Debi Stebbins

Debi Stebbins has been a health care executive and consultant in the Bay Area for over 40 years. She assumed the position of the Executive Director of the City of Alameda Health Care District in 2018, with her primary responsibilities being oversight of the Alameda Health System’s responsibility for bringing Alameda Hospital into compliance with SB 90 seismic requirements for acute care hospitals. In addition, she is working with the District Board of Directors on formulating a plan to bring the Hospital into compliance with 2030 seismic standards. Mrs. Stebbins served as CEO of Alameda Hospital for seven years and helped negotiate the affiliation Joint Powers Agreement with Alameda Health System in 2014. Previously she was CEO of Seton Medical Center in Daly City, COO of the Bay Area Region of Catholic Health Care West (now Dignity Health) and Executive Vice President of the Masonic Homes of California. Debi is a native San Franciscan. She has a BA in Political Science from Stanford University and Master of Public Health from UC – Berkeley. She is a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Executives.